
Caterina Romano

The artist Caterina Romano was born in Lecce (1957) and for over twenty years has lived in a Masseria located in the Salento countryside, where she carries out her artistic activity.

After having obtained the scientific high school diploma in Lecce and attended the degree course in Statistical and Economic Sciences at the University of Bari, she carries out business and commercial activities.

Subsequently, her passion for art and in particular for painting explodes.

At the end of the nineties she attended the School of Drawing and Painting “E. Maccagnani “in Lecce, coming into contact with the artistic reality of Salento, with which she interacts, obtaining many impulses for her subsequent creative activity. 

Her innate abilities and her natural talent for painting are strengthened and refined, also thanks to various creative studies that make her approach abstract art, allowing her to find her personal creative voice.

She experiments with different materials, from oils to mortars, from enamel to acrylics and the use of paper and fabrics.

Portraiture and abstraction overlap and the path continues with an ever growing passion, until abstraction enters her world with arrogance, and the artist entrusts, once again, all her emotions and passions to color.

Always sensitive to contemporary social dramas, her works of art denounce the existential anxiety of
the artist, who seeks the Lights of the enchanted world of her Salento adolescence and youth in today's reality.

Since 2015 artworks by Romano have been exhibited in prestigious group and solo exhibitions in Salento. In 2019 a personal exhibition is organized at the Cloister of the Monumental Complex of Santa Maria la Nova in Naples.

In 2022 she met the well-known Milanese art critic Marco Eugenio Di  Giandomenico, who decided to promote her art. In the same year, the "Sigismondo Castromediano" Museum in Lecce included the artwork entitled "Transudation" in its artistic heritage.


They say about me

Le opere d’arte di Caterina Romano esprimono il suo disagio esistenziale in una società contemporanea dominata dalla iper-comunicazione dei new media, sempre più incapace di far emergere e promuovere contenuti umani e culturali, alla mercé della ricerca di consensi ad ogni costo, “like/don’t like”, terreno fertile per nuovi conflitti planetari, che configurano un futuro incerto e oscuro. Il giallo è la Luce pura della sua creatività, è il ricordo di un mondo novecentesco denso di sogni meravigliosi, che guarda al terzo millennio con la speranza di una migliore realizzazione dell’essere umano, forte degli insegnamenti della storia e supportato dallo sviluppo incessante delle nuove tecnologie, le quali, tuttavia, si trasformano incredibilmente nell’oggetto e non nello strumento dell’agire degli individui, sia come singoli sia come collettività. L’artista perora l’identità culturale come punto di partenza di un restyling sociale est-etico, foriero di un rapporto sostenibile dell’essere umano con se stesso e con ogni componente animato e inanimato del pianeta. Il colore giallo c’è sempre, finché c’è vita, anche se rinnegato e mortificato dagli altri cromatismi, vale a dire dai drammi sociali contemporanei, impensabili anche poco più di vent’anni fa.