
The need to materially transform my creativity explodes in maturity and hits me with a whirlwind of emotions that are realized in painting.

The need becomes more and more overbearing and transforms my restless universe into an explosion of colors and matter.

This is how color falls in love with the idea and gives life to emotions.

Faces of women, children and men who have visited unlimited spaces, or close to my heart, with a look full of sweetness, tenderness, sadness and joy. Quick brush strokes in the hair, blue cheekbones and unreal backgrounds.

Faces that intersect with the abstract and, with strong and pulsating colors, sometimes free themselves, leaving space only for color with pure abstractionism, always full of a lot of passion.

My painting is engraved by contemporary social dramas, which become darker colors.

Works of art


They say about me

Caterina Romano's works of art express her existential unease in a contemporary society dominated by the hyper-communication of new media, increasingly unable to bring out and promote human and cultural contents, at the mercy of the search for consensus at any cost, " like / don't like ”, fertile ground for new planetary conflicts, which shape an uncertain and dark future. Yellow is the pure light of his creativity, it is the memory of a twentieth-century world full of wonderful dreams, which looks to the third millennium with the hope of a better realization of the human being, strengthened by the teachings of history and supported by the incessant development of new technologies, which, however, are incredibly transformed into the object and not into the instrument of action of individuals, both as individuals and as a community. The artist advocates cultural identity as the starting point for an est-ethical social restyling, a harbinger of a sustainable relationship of the human being with himself and with every animate and inanimate component of the planet. The yellow color is always there, as long as there is life, even if it is denied and mortified by other colors, that is to say by contemporary social dramas, unthinkable even a little over twenty years ago.